Debugging an RBAC Problem in Istio (but without the swearing)

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A few months ago, I lost a whole day to debugging a problem with RBAC in Istio. I swore a lot, but I also learned a lot. I learned new tools, new interfaces, and the rabbit hole took me past most major parts of Istio.

Today I’ll recreate that debugging session live, to show you the mental models and techniques I used to methodically follow this issue through a complex distributed system. We’ll learn about systems debugging techniques in general, and operating Istio in particular.



Demo Scripts


“Good” ratings: 89% (n == 18)

Some comments:

  • “Best talk to date! Fucking great!”
  • “Great presentation, very well organised demo - no hand typing and debugging commands on the fly”
  • “Loved the format and how in depth it went into a specific problem while discussing concepts that were generally applicable”